Wednesday, December 20, 2006


Funny story about how I am soooooo not in tune with the French social scene...

I was waiting for Manuela just outside the teacher's cafeteria when who in my wandering eye should appear, but our happy little Prof de Chimie with his buddy Thierry. I say, "Ah, Bonjour!" and he says, "Sarah! Bonjour! Bis!" and offered his cheek.

I was not ready for this. I didn't realize that our friendship had risen to that level yet. Not to mention we were still in the professional confines of the workplace so I hadn't even given it a second thought. And then I thought well, if I give him a kiss, what will he think? I mean, I think he's already trying to get with either Me or Manuela, does this mean he likes me more? Gross. Oh lordy, he didn't shave today either. What do I do? I can't hardly reject the man and leave him hanging, that's just rude. But if I give the bis, what will happen? AHHHH!!!

All this happened in about a second and a half, which was about three quarters of a second too slow. I gave a kiss, of course, but I must have had the most horrified look on my face because he said, "Do they not do that in the United States?" I said a probably too emphatic "no," and he apologized and moved on.

Then, of course, I felt bad because he had tried to show that we were good friends and I definetly rejected the poor man. I mean, how many friends does he have anyway? He lives alone, no significant other of any kind, not even a cat. I could respect a man who has no friends but an animal, even a goldfish.

All throughout lunch I soooo wanted to tell Manuela what happened because she is probably the major part of the ongoing saga of the prof de chimie but of course I couldn't because there were all these teachers all over the place. Oy vey.